Writing for the AP Exam
In addition to the 55-question multiple choice section, the AP exam will have 3 written-response sections: the SAQ, DBQ, and LEQ. Below are descriptions of the sections, including format, time periods, and rubrics, as well as videos to help you approach these tasks and example repsonses.
The Short-Answer Questions (SAQs) are the second portion of the first half of the APUSH Exam. You will be given 4 questions, each with 3 parts, from different time periods. You are required to answer the first two questions and can choose one of the remaining two to answer for a total of 3 SAQs. According to College Board, the question format is as follows:
Question 1 is required, includes 1–2 secondary sources, between the years 1754 and 1980.
Question 2 is required, includes 1 primary source, between the years 1754 and 1980
Students choose between Question 3 (1491 - 1877) and Question 4 (1865 - 2001) for the last question. No sources are included for either Question 3 or Question 4.
The Document-Based Question (DBQ) is first part of the essay section on the AP Exam. You will be given 7 historical documents from any time period from 1754 to 1980. These can be primary (speeches, articles, photos, or poptical cartoons created during the period) or secondary (historians explaining/reflecting on the events/themes in question). You must use at least 6 of these documents to support your thesis, and for at least 4, you must also connect the historical context, audience, point of view, and/or purpose (HAPP) of the document to your argument (This is called 'sourcing'). You also receive a point for the use of outside evidence, which should be from memory. It is recommended that you take 1 hour to complete the DBQ to try to meet all of the points on the rubric.
Sourcing is often the most daunting task for newer AP students, and can be difficult to do effectively. For each element of HAPP (historical context, audience, perspective, purpose), we have provdided below useful guides to help you successfully source on your DBQ.
The Long Essay Question (LEQ) is the final part of the AP Exam. Unpke the DBQ, the LEQ is written entirely from memory. You will choose from 3 prompts from different time periods. Option 1 is 1491-1800, Option 2 is 1800-1898, and Option 3 is 1890-2001. Choose the prompt you feel the most confident about. You will respond to the historical prompt by writing and defending your thesis statement. Though the LEQ is the lowest-weighted portion of the exam, it is important to demonstrate your understanding and apppcation of history to the best of your ability and strive for all 6 points on the rubric.
Example Responses
College Board releases sample responses to each written section every year as teaching/learning materials for exam preparation. pnked below are responses to the SAQ, DBQ, and LEQ for the past 2 years. Because the LEQ and SAQ have elected responses, we have chosen the responses for the first questions of both tasks. These will provide you with examples of both high and low scoring responses to know the do's and don'ts of APUSH writing